Lucky Suit

No morning suit for Leon at his nuptials. Instead, he opted for something a little different: an almost sage green two-piece that was based on something once worn by Lucky Luciano.
“I admire his style; if you can separate that from what he actually did,” says Leon, who manages the Savile Row store. The suit was made by our Head Cutter, Ben Clarke , and Leon asked him to copy that worn by Mr Luciano as closely as he could. “It’s full bodied and soft-shouldered, and there are no vents. The trousers have two-inch turn-ups and double pleats. The cloth is a vintage wool gabardine. I saw Lucky Luciano wearing the suit in a picture (below) that was taken outside his medical appliances shop in Naples.”
Leon married Jess at the third time of trying in Stoke Newington, London, last month: the pandemic put paid to their previous two attempts. We wish them a very long, happy and lucky future together.